Recording Audio

PC vs Mac – Why PC is better for audio recording

2020-12-08T14:40:55-05:00Audio News|

PC vs Mac As president and CEO of Slick Audio, I feel that this topic is something that is controversial having opponents and proponents, but we are going to talk about it from a slightly different angle today. So you ask what it this topic? Well PC vs Mac. (I know I heard a few […]

Do I Need A Large Studio To Make Quality Music?

2023-01-31T16:43:33-05:00Audio News|

How Big Does a Recording Studio Need to be? Jim Slick, President, and CEO of Slick Audio is often asked, “Do I Need a Large Studio to Make Quality Music?” or “Do I Need a Large Studio to Create Quality Music?” Being a lover of music, an artist, and an I.T. (Information Technology) expert, Jim is […]

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