music production

Can RAM Solve All Music Production Computer Problems

2023-01-31T16:01:11-05:00Audio News, Audio Recording Computers|

Does RAM help with music production? Hey folks, it's Jim from slick audio. A tired Jim from Slick Audio. As if you can't tell, it is hump day anyway, talking about the magic question. Can RAM solve all of your audio computer problems? Answer equals no! No, it can't. Can it solve some? Yes, RAM

The Best Computer For Music Production

2023-01-26T16:19:24-05:00Audio News, Audio Recording Computers|

If you're looking for the best computer for music production, then you've come to the right place. Music production requires a powerful computer that can handle audio recording, processing, and playback. With so many computers on the market, it can be difficult to know which one is best for your needs. Fortunately, we've done all

Do microphones need to be cleaned?

2023-01-31T16:26:00-05:00Audio News|

Microphone Hygiene and Cleaning With the recent concern over health, social distancing, and germs. It almost seems like the time has come to discuss. Cleaning your microphone, because let's are honest they can get a little gross. We hold them, sing into them. Scream, drop them, and even share them, so it's reasonable to talk

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