music production software tips and tricks

SideChaining Explained

2023-01-31T15:59:45-05:00Audio News, music production software tips and tricks|

Sidechaining is a critical part of music engineering and production. While recently watching a Cubase training video. I realize that some people newer to music production have questioned Sidechaining. Here’s a quick video on what it is.    

Music Production – Reverse Reverb Effect

2023-01-26T16:47:12-05:00music production software tips and tricks|

This is a really cool effect that can be used sparingly in some songs. It’s much easier than you may think!!  During a recent review of the Cubase videos, I found this little gem. Tell me what you think have you tried it?  The Reverse Reverb Effect is an essential tool in music production and

Does Wood Affect Guitar Sound?

2024-08-08T14:52:45-04:00Audio News, music production software tips and tricks|

What Wood makes the Best Sounding Guitar? Let's talk Tone Woods today. Jim discusses one of his favorite guitars, his purple Jackson Custom shop guitar. In the video below, he wanted to discuss the setup of this guitar and how tone woods affect the sound, feel, and play of this instrument. We took a moment

Did you know listening to music is good for your health?

2024-08-12T11:25:25-04:00Audio News, Audio Recording Computers, music production software tips and tricks|

It's not much of a surprise to those who enjoy listening to music on a daily basis, that music is good for your health.   It appears that research suggests that listening to music can have some interesting health benefits.

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